(And while we’re at it, dude - you’re ostensibly a filmmaker/actor/writer, no? Never encountered one of them thar “journalists”? You have? Then you don’t get to play dumb. You may be tagged with many a term, but I’d never go with that one.)
I clarified to Beckster that 8 visits to whores in 40 years of sexual activity was the opposite of "habit" and actually constituted a "rare" behavior pattern.
He’s 45, talking about “40 years of sexual activity”. Perhaps might we assume that the bulk of said pro sessions weren’t brokered between the ages of 5 and, oh, say, 17? That’d leave 28 years at the outside. May seem like a minor difference, but that changes the frequency from the implied one pro-schtupp every 5 years to one every 3.5 years. Add in the Domme visits (10) and Special massages (10), and that’s - well lookee here! 28 sex workers in 28 (or fewer) years. Once (or slightly more) a year. I have a birthday once a year. Having a birthday once a year isn’t rare. In fact, it’s purty darned regular. In terms of the general population, that’s pretty irregular. As a mostly-retired Pro-Domme, I’d certainly consider someone who sessioned with me once a year as a “regular”.
I’m not judging, and it’s certainly not as if I have any particular moral high ground. I’m just saying you can’t have it both ways.
(Unless you’re willing to pay the extra $40.)
Since you're a retired Pro-Domme, maybe you could answer this question for me.
When Eric writes about his dom experience in his blog, he writes about how right before the sound is used, the Mistress (Domme?) gave it a thorough washing with Betadine.
Then Eric writes:
"It felt strange and burned a little at the tip, I think from the Betadine, but no other pain at all. Certainly not the excruciating, unimaginable pain I had anticipated at the thought of the procedure."
Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't a metal rod that was just slathered with medical-grade cleansing alcohol burn like holy hell? He says that it only "burned a little at the tip" but, from my knowledge of open wounds and alcohol, shouldn't it burn more than just a "little?"
Absolutely love your blog, by the way. If you ever want to open it up to other writers/bloggers who are (sadly, perhaps) also intrigued by the Eric Schaeffer Train Wreck, I would be THRILLED to help further the cause of explaining to Eric why he is doomed to remain single.
I need some very strong medical-grade alcohol before I can bring myself to read those blog entries.
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